Monday, September 15, 2008

What's the Stock Market?

I just want to pause for a moment today and reflect. How often are there days when I am actually grateful that all I own in the world is in my checking account and the idea of watching stocks fluctuate because I actually own them is laughable? A day when I try to see "both sides" and figure out why I should be feeling bad that the frat boy finance wonders of wall street are going to get laid off by the thousands. (After extensive internet based research I came to the conclusion that this actually may be bad for the city because now we can't tax the crap out of their ridiculously high wages). Either matter how many benjamins you have in the bank, loosing your job just blows. So this goes out to all my pinstripe wearing, company lunch eating, black car taking, hommies from the streets of lower Manhattan. Keep on keeping on.

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