Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Boys Who Hit Girls

Recently a girl I went to high school with got married. A lot of my friends from high school went because apparently they all made some secret pact that I was not part of that has something to do with needing to marry a guy you went to high school with. Its kind of like they think they are royalty but haven't got the memo on the effects of inbreeding. Either way, I wasn't invited. I can think of two potential reasons for this.
  1. I slept with the bride. Although so did half the grooms wedding party so that probably wasn't the issue*
  2. My ex was there with his new girlfriend whose picture I just saw for the first time. Let me put it this way, its not often that you get to see your first picture of your ex's new person and they look like....well let me put it this way, I'm sure she is a very nice girl. When those moments come, savor them.
*None of this is to imply there is anything wrong with having a healthy sex life. If I got into finger pointing over numbers, lets face it....hello this is pot to kettle. Come in. Really I am just setting the stage for the events of the night.

At said wedding after party, an unfortunate incident took place where the boyfriend of a girl I grew up with threatened to punch her in the face. He then proceeded to grab her by the arm and throw her down. Guess what everyone did...all thirty of them, many of whom have also grown up with this girl. Nothing. With the glaring exception of this guy who shall remain nameless but let me just say is one of the best men I know. My point in all this is, if you see a girl getting hit, if you think a girl is getting hit...DON'T JUST STAND THERE. If you do, you are an asshole.

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