Thursday, August 28, 2008

Number Two

While watching Hilary's speech last night I had an Al Gore moment. That moment when I was watching a talk of his on the environment and I realized that Gore was not in fact a life sized manbot sent to us from the land of intrepid boredom. It was as if someone has inserted electronic probes into his anal cavity and suddenly zapped him back to life.

Three gun salute to Hilary and her bizarre orange pantsuit that made her look like the convention was a quick stop on her way to a fantastic Indian wedding. The speech was actually, if I must admit, moving and relevant. I even enjoyed her video montage, capped off by a sweet introduction by her daughter, and her daughter's blindingly white teeth, which by the way can someone tell her to send her dad some of her crest white strips because his chompers looked an unhealthy shade of yellow.

I couldn't help but think, if only I have heard that type of speech sooner I might have taken her candidacy a little more seriously. ahh well luckily I only have the ability to ponder things for about five seconds before I move on to my next thought but before I do….. Here is a quote that I found on line that I thought was something that Hilary really needs to hear and some commentator last night should have said.

SinisterRouge at 08:59 AM

  • Holy fuck. I mean next thing you know she'll have to be driving the van around town on Nov 4 to make sure her supporters go and vote for Obama on that Tuesday. Holy shit. No one has ever expected this much from the fucking second place finisher. And no second place finisher has ever delivered as much as she has. Can't she just chill in Chappaqua now? FUCK.

I just had to post this fabulous cartoon because while I don't think it was intentional it makes Bill Clinton look like an angry gay fairy who turns Barak into a trannie princess. Wow, that's so amazing.

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